Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
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More April Fools Skulduggery and Botcon Panels

Ah, we love April Fools here at Why does it have to end?! Check out TFormers "exclusive report" featuring leaked character designs for Transformers Animated: Blur, Hot Shot and Six Shot! Notice that the last letter in the color schemes almost spell out, "april fools."
From David Kaye's panel at last year's Botcon, we do know that there will be an Animated Blurr (no joke). Is this what he'll look like? Probably not exactly, but maybe something along these lines. Hot Shot and Six Shot? It's fun to dream, huh?!
Speaking of Botcon panels, check out for the latest list of panel guests now including a bunch of voice talent from Transformers Animated: David Kaye (TFA: Optimus Prime, Grimlock), Bumper Robinsion (TFA: Bumblebee and Blitzwing), and now Tara Strong (TFA: Sari). More to come!
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