Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
"Family Day"

Normally we try not to get too personal, but on this rare occasion, we thought you
might enjoy a few, "family photos!"
* Filming for TF2 may be getting close with the 'real' Barricade and now Optimus Prime on the move, but apparently they don't need Bumblebee yet! This picture
was taken yesterday at a WESTEC, a machine tool show in Los Angeles, CA.
It's on display because of a company that's there had something to
do with making it. The handsome fellow standing at Bumblebee's side is, in fact, the father of us Lukis Bros! (Hi Dad!)
* Do you need a new church? My sister-in-law ("stampy"/Brian's wife) was nice enough to pull over and take this picture of this roadside church billboard. if you need a little 'fellowship' and live in the Twin Cities, MN, you know the place! With Worship at 10:30 and Education at 9:15 these services really can't be missed!!! (thanks, sis!)
* Next we get to the "Generation 2" Lukis Brother! Yes, some parents beam with pride when their child makes the honor roll or scores the team's winning touchdown. Not me! I am filled with joy the moment my son first sings the Transformers theme song! What a chip off the 'ole block' huh?! (Hm, I guess with me around he's seeing a little too much TF:Animated//TV! Hope it doesn't leave him emotionally scarred for life! Yikes, time I pull out a few books!)
* Last but certainly not least, some family art! Look out Guido Guidi, Nick Roche and all you TF-Mosaic artists out there! Here comes the work of renowned TF artist 'baby-Knightwing!' titled: "Kalissa Rumble!"
Enjoy and happy Thursday everyone!
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