Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Hasbro Rolls Out TFA Early (and so do we!)

Posted by:
Perceptor at 2008-04-17 10:38 pm
As snazzy as it was to have a giant movie Allspark Cube floating through space as our site theme (which was to commemorate the "Allspark Power" movie toy subline in stores everywhere now...), we decided to cut loose with our Animated theme a little early. Originally, we figured we'd go live with it when the toys finally hit the shelves in June. But with today's offical announcement by Hasbro that they are releasing Animated toys throughout stores in Cincinnati, Ohio as a special treat for Botcon fans and attendees, we figure it's finally time to let ourselves get all fired up. Thank you Botcon and THANK YOU Hasbro! Look out Ohio, here we come!!! (Hope the ebay hawks save some for us!)
So, what do you think of the new look?
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