Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Animated Blitzwing YouTube review and a new E-Hobby figure

A review of TFA Blitzwing's toy has finally appeared on YouTube. This review provides answers to several question many have had about the toy:
* Is he a Voyager? - Yes!
* Is there an easy/"gimmicky" way to swap his faces? - Yes!
* Are his altmodes messed up looking with parts from the other vehicle showing? - No, not really!
* Is he in a good size compared to Lugnut? - Yes, in vehicle mode at least.
Go check it out and see this amazing figure for yourself!
Also, online importing company E-Hobby has a listing for a new figure of a familiar, yet generic, character: a Guardian Robot. This figure is a redeco of the Encore release of G1 Omega Supreme and features the same face addition as Omega's toy, albeit in Guardian colors instead of Omega's colors.
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