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News Item
*UPDATED* - BotCon Bagged set Bios and Cartoon Network Panel member Air Commander Starscream has posted the Bios for the bagged BotCon 2008 exclusive toys. Thses include heroic Decepticons Megatron, Sideswipe, Divebomb, and Rampage; and evil Autobots Rodimus and Blurr.
Check them out here.
Also, Air Commander Starscream has posted his visit to Cartoon Network's panel at BotCon, where he learned some very interesting news regarding the future Transformers Animated.
WARNING *Spoilers Alert*
Some bits of what he learned are:
1. More Deceptions for Season 2.
2. Swindle, Ratbat, Galvatron and Waspinator: 3 of the 4 will be in Animated.
3. Why Animated style? Working with Cartoon Network usually means animated work. Wanted to get back with the roots of drawing Transformers.
4. Animated done in a widescreen format, but clipped for standard.
5. Looking Forward. More obscure characters, more of Cybertron.
6. Ad-Lib is a big part to story dialogue.
7. Last Scene in Season 2 finale is completely ad-lib.
8. Allspark to stay mysterious.
9. Exec Producer decided on female human lead character decision. Tried really hard to make her a fun and different character, but not annoying like previous human characters in past cities. Detroit is a diverse city, one reason why the show takes place there. Cast and crew of Animated is also from diverse backgrounds.
10. Theories about who or what Sari is on the internet. Some have come close, many however are WAY OFF. But none are exactly right to who or what she is.
11. Season 3 – Nothing definitive, but looking like a pretty good possibility.
12. Ultra Magnus figure exactly like he is on the show, completely tricked out. Expect each wave of Animated o be better than the last.
13. Oil Slick – Not a cartoon character, toy only but will probably be in around comic #3. MAY make it into later seasons.
14. Season 1 ratings – “Doing very well”
15. Arcee second appearance. Nothing for Season 2, but would like to bring back in the future.
16. Omega Supreme: Can not confirm nor deny e will be in series.
17. Waspinator: Would not be voiced by Scott Mcneal.
18. Sentinel Prime was originally going to be Rodimus with the attitude that Sentinel Prime currently has. Hasbro did not want Rodimus to have that attitude, so they changed Rodimus to Sentinel Prime.
19. Combiners not likely. Though names from Combiner members may be used. Lots of talk about wanting Combiners, but not likely.
20. Hasbro working really well with Aniamted team.
21. Soundwave being a van. Best vehicle to have the same shape, likeness to a cassette player. Big debate over what his Alt should be, but they knew they wanted to have Soundwave.
22. Bringing Primal back, has been talked about but nothing solid. If he were to show up it would be a completely new character.
23. The Ark is not the Ark, it’s a repair vessel.
24. Unicron is a no.
25. Big plans for Soundwave, look forward to 3rd season.
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