Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
The Ultimate Transformers Universe figure Re-rerelease, and new pics of Animated and Universe (2008) figures

Before, I reported the sightings of Transformers Cybertron Legends-class figures being sold in Classics packaging. Now I have found what I believe could be the biggest re-rerelease of Transformers figures. I recently walked into my local KB Toys to browse around at the movie figures. They still had Wave 1 & 2 figures.
But that wasn't all I found. Spanning one-third of the aisle were five Transformers Cybertron Scout-class figures and four Transformers Energon Deluxe-class figures sold in Transformers Universe packaging. The Cybertron figures were Backstop, Brakedown, Lugnutz, Scattorshot, Brushguard. The Energon figures were Slugslinger, Storm Jet, Steamhammer, and Barricade.
This is especially good news for those who haven't completed their Energon combiner figures. If you have all four limbs but no torso, you now have a second chance to grab these. So head to your local stores and keep an eye out for these, if you're interested.
In other news, Hasbro's Transformers site now has some preview images of the upcoming Animated Leader Ultra Magnus, Voyager Sentinel Prime, and Deluxes Swoop and Elite Guard Bumblebee.
Hasbro's site also has graced us with images of some new Transformers Universe (2008) figures including Deluxes Sideswipe (with the wrong head), Silverstreak, and Ironhide, Ultra Silverbolt, Robot Heroes Thrust vs. Blaster, Kickback vs. Ironhide, and BW Megatron vs. BW Silverbolt, and another rerelease of G1 Optimus Prime called the Optimus Prime 25th Anniversary Pack!
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