Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Botcon '08, parts 1,2,3

As always, we had a blast at BOTCON! Check out our day 1 report now permanently linked in our Events and Interview Section and link directly to the photo gallery. Stay tuned, more to come!
I'll try to keep most Day 2 news and revelations for our next update, but there is one piece of news I can't keep in! At the Hasbro designers panel, we saw an Transformers Animated drawing of PERCEPTOR! The character looks like a TFA rendition of the G1 character! YEEEEEEEEES!!!!! I asked the question if the show was going to get back into the realm of "mass shifting" meaning, "is this a giant robot that will shrink down into a small Microscope?" Aaron Archer answered, "we cannot tell you what he transforms into, but I will tell you, there is no mass shifting!"
This report continued with part 2 news item/commentary here with the actual report item here.
Then again with part 3 news item/commentary here and the report part 3 here.
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