Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
A Tantalizing Glimpse of Future TFA Characters

Thanks to various site postings, we've learned of a cool update on the blog of Derrick Wyatt a character designer for Transformers animated. Without Botcon, I'd have very little clue what I was looking at. Thanks to the various panels we attended, I'll attemt to translate:
Top Left: the face of TFA Swindle
Top Center: not sure, does notlook like Blurr to me
Top Right: Wreck-Gar
Middle left: Skywarp, who we've been told will not appear in the show
Center: Doesn't look familiar, but we know Shockwave is coming. That'd be my guess
Middle right: Gosh, I don't think I want to know who's butt crack that is! Wow-za!
Bottom Left: This is the Transtech inspired ankle of TFA Blurr! Very cool indeed
Bottom Center: This to me looks like the head of a pair of TFA: "Twins" who have similiar forms bot to sleek vehicle, but different themes of fire and ice. I think they said these two unite.
Bottom Right: Could that be Thundercracker?
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