Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
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More Ebay Temptations, TF2 News on MTV Movie Blog

Update 3: Well, the Transformers factories in China appear to be in full swing TFA production. For the first time ever, you can also find 5 different Leader Class Bulkhead toys...
Update 2: Also, now available for your bidding pleasure, TFA Dinobot: SLAG! (Well, Snarl but as TFA Art Director Derrick Wyatt said, "He's always SLAG to me!"
They're auctions for loose toys with no instructions, no packaging, they're probably stolen from the factory and they don't even show new photos! (The seller may have even ripped off from someone's Botcon/Hasbro Display photos?...) But hey they are the first auctions we've seen for TFA Soundwave or Jazz, now available for your bidding pleasure. The good news is, this means we're getting closer to the toy's release in stores. So how high do you think these auctions will go and which toy/character will sell for more?
In other (unrelated) news Transformers 2 movie Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura talks a little with MTV Movies Blog. Among other tidbits, he says that several casting surprises will be revealed in the coming weeks. He also confirmed that John Voight will be back. Broadside? Sorry, nope! No aircraft carrier this time around.
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