Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Paramount's official cast photos for the new G.I. Joe movie

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Sabrblade at 2008-05-09 4:51 pm
While not exactly Transformers news, this is big news for TF's sibling series. Paramount has provided pictures of the cast of the new live-action G.I. Joe movie. Check out pictures of Baroness, Breaker, Destro, Duke, Hawk, Heavy Duty, Ripcord, Scarlett, Snake-Eyes, and Storm Shadow at
My thoughts on this are: some of these look pretty good. Baroness is perfect, Destro needs a silver metal face helmet, Duke needs a shave, Hawk looks too much like Flint, Heavy duty looks hardcore, Scarlett is hot, Snake-Eyes is incredible, and Storm Shadow looks sort of okay. I don't know who Breaker and Ripcord are.
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