Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Animated Omega Supreme *SPOILER* and Victory DVD press release

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Sabrblade at 2008-05-13 3:47 pm
A spoiler image of Animated Omega Supreme has shown up at TFW2005. This images is from episode 29 "A Bridge Too Close - Part 2". It also contain some short videos from the episode whcih are likely VERY spoilerific. Take waring of being spoiled before viewing them.
In other news, Madman Entertainment has posted a press release for the Australian release of the Transformers Victory DVD Collection. This set will feature new cover art by IDW's EJ Su, adverts, catalogues, the one episode OVA of Transformers Zone, and DVD Rom content covering the Manga story. It will also be in English (the awful dub) and Japanese (Yay!) with English subtitles, have 4 discs, and is in a Region Free & PAL format. Go check it out.
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