Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
TFA's other Timeslot

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TriPredRavage at 2008-05-22 8:52 am
So this has been going on for a while, I just didn't know about it until I saw my Tivo was full of previously recorded episodes, but Transformers Animated is airing in another timeslot during the week. Now, if you are up, you can catch it at six o’clock in the morning eastern time. Today’s episode was Megatron Rising pt. 1. Three guesses as to what tomorrow’s’ll be… So, if you happened to miss these episodes before and you haven’t watched them on Youtube, set up those VCRs, DVDRs, Tivos, whatever you’ve got! And, as always, happy viewing.
Click here to view the complete Transformers Animated schedule on CartoonNetwork, permanently linked to on the left-hand navigation bar of the mainpage.
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