Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Ironhide returns for TF2 and a possible Movie Ravage Altmode

King Darkness of the Sideshow Freaks message boards spotted the Ironhide GMC Topkick vehicle prop, a motorcycle (in Ironhide's bed) and a Can-Am Spyder vehicle during an authorized truck stop in which all vehicles entering his state are checked for credentials, which stated that these vehicles were on their way to Philadelphia for TF2 filming.
At this time, it's still not known whetther the Can-Am Spyder and motorcycle are the vehicle modes for new characters, or if these are just props that will be used by the human characters. But if they are vehicle modes, its quite possible that the Cam-Am Spyder could be movie RAVAGE! Think about it, it's perfect for a savage Decepticon spy. As for the motorcycle in Ironhide's bed, it could be Arcee, but that's kind of a slim chance.
Check out the pics here.
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