Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
TFA Undies! Package Art, Instructions Updates

The official release date of Transformers Animated toys (June 22) is slowly approaching. In the meantime, we thought we could provide you a little something to hold you over. Check out our newly updated Instructions Archive and Package Art Archive which now includes scans from the Animated figures we picked up at Botcon 2008. If you want to know how Prowl, Ratchet, Lockdown or Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime (and other toys) transform now you can! Want to see the character bio ~tech specs of Bulk Head, Megatron vs. Optimus Prime, Blackarachnia and others, check them on out!
Next, if you have a potty training 2-4 year old and need something to help
bring the interest up a notch, then I've got just the thing! Now you
can buy Transformers Animated Undies!
What child of a TF collector wouldn't want to experience the pride of
having glow in the dark animated Optimus, Bumblebee or Bulkhead on
their little tooshies! :) Pretty sad that you can actually buy TF: Animated undies
a month before the toys!
You will also find new additions to the 2008 Movie ~section of the Package Art and Instructions areas. More to come.
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