Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
E-bay Auctions

We try not to make a habit of this, but thought you might be interested to know of a few Transformers items we are auctioning due to storage issues we are starting to run into with our ever growing collection!
* MIB Beast Wars Mega INFERNO, Autographed by Mr. "For the Royalty" himself, Jim Byrnes (when he attended Botcon 1999). Package has never been opened, tho tape is broken.
* MISB Optimal Optimus
* MISB Transmetal (ultra) Rampage
* MISB Transmetal (mega) Optimus Primal
* MOC Transmetal 2 Sonar (card back is warped from storage, but has never been opened.
* MISB Transmetal (ultra) Depth Charge and finally
* Classics Jetfire, used but back in package, with 1 busted helmet antenna
Straight from our own collection, you can let me know if you have any questions.
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