Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
2008 Section Update

The 2008 Transformers Section has been given a facelift. Included in the revamp, you'll find an updated listing of Transformers Animated episodes from season two (left hand 'fiction' column.) You'll also find many new additions to the box picture thumbnails and checklists! Brace yourselves fans. If you thought 2007 had a lot of toys, hang on to your hats. By our current count there are/will be:
72 ~new~ 2007 movie toys
only 36 Transformers Animated toys
4 sets of 13 toys from Botcon 2008
45 toys coming from Classics/Universe 2.0 (that's if you count toys like the Legends 5-pack of special team leaders as "one toy!"
Amidst all this sweetness, you'll find some very interesting new players including an Animated Voyager Class 2-pack of Jetfire and Jetstorm and "Chainsaw Lockdown!" Now what exactly do you make of that?! (Can't wait!)
For your collecting pleasure, you'll also notice that all the new box pictures we added have been linked to our sightings and review database! So keep your Classics/U2.0 sightings coming! Better start saving and build a few more shelves for display! Ye-HA!
DISCUSSION TOPIC: Among the Animated, Classic/Universe toys yet to come out this year, which toy are you most looking forward to and why???
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