Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
*UPDATED AGAIN* The Chaos Bringer Returns... Again!

As some of you are aware, has posted an image of an upcoming Universe figure: Unicron. This figure is the exact same as its Armada release. The only difference is that it comes in different packaging. To see the image of this planet devourer, click here.
Recent reports have stated that this figure will be a Toys'R'Us exclusive and that the image on does not show the final product. However, a new Ebay auction for the Universe Unicron figure shows a clearer image of the figure, which does look very much like the Armada release.
I've just figured out what's different between this Unicron and the Armada one! There is a comparison shot of the two at TFW2005 and now I know what's different: the head!
On the Armada version, the head is a yellow-orange color, while on the Universe one, if you look closely at the image from Ebay, the head is bright yellow (save for the M around his eyes). It's a minor detail, but still somewhat noticeable.
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