Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
New Transformers Animated UPC Codes in Wal-Mart Computers = New Transformers Animated figures

Automaster of the TFW2005 boards has reported that new Animated UPC numbers have shown up in the Wal-Mart computers. Some of these figures were hinted at Botcon, but now there is pure evidence of these figures getting a release.
He found out from a friend who works at a Wal-Mart who called him and told him of the upcoming figures listed in the computers. Some of these may sound familiar, but the rest of these may sound suprising. According to Automaster, we will be getting at least four new Deluxes, at least three new Voyagers, and something called Electro Static S (according to his computer order stuff).
The new figures that are known are:
Deluxe Class:
- blurr 65356934981 (Deluxe Blurr)
- swindle 65356934195 (Deluxe Swindle)
- waspinator 65356934984 (Deluxe Wasp[inator])
- arcee 65356937933 (Deluxe Arcee - described as a sleek car)
Voyager Class:
- shockwave 6535932317 (Voyager Shockwave)
- wreckg 65356934966 (Voyager Wreck-Gar)
- skywarp 65356932319 (Voyager Skywarp - might look similar to the Coward Starscream clone from ABTC)
So if Wasp is released in his Cybertron Mode body, we could get a redeco of Bumblebee in his Cybertron Mode body.
Also, with this Arcee being so close to her G1 body, we could be getting a high G1-accurate Arcee figure.
As for Shockwave, it is likely that he will turn into a tank, as was him altmode in "Autoboot Camp", but it is not known if he will be able to change his head into his Longarm (Prime) disguise.
And who knows what that "Electro Static S" thing is. Maybe the Lockdown flaming redeco with the chainsaw weapon, but that still doesn't sound right.
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