Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Transformers: The Mystery of Optimus Prime

Hey every one, a little more video game news to throw your way. The now ancient game Transformers: Convoy no Nazo (which roughly translates to the title above) that was exclusively released in Japan for the Nintendo Famicon System (our Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)) has been released in Japan on the Wii's Virtual Console on June 10th.
The game features Ultra Magnus shooting his way through the game in search of Optimus Prime's killer, seeing as there were continuity issues in Japan due to the movie and season 3.
Whether the game is going to be released or not outside of Japan is still unknown, and I would presonally say unlikely. But, then again, who knows for sure. They have released other Japanese exclusive games here in the States through Virtual Console, so anything is possible. Now my question for you is: would you buy it?
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