Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
McDonald's Saves You Some!

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TriPredRavage at 2008-07-14 2:43 pm
A little while back, I posted about TFA McDonald's toys and we all kinda had the same resounding "Ehh" about the figures. Well, there just so happens to be an incentive to picking these little guys up! The Happy Meal bag has an exclusive cupon for $5 off of any figure $19.99 or more. So that's Voyager class figures and Leader class figures at discounted prices, PLUS the cupon is good until the 26th of JANUARY 2009, so they'll still be good for Christmas. That sure beats the heck out of the old Beast Wars cupons that were good for $1 off of any deluxe size figure, but, then again, the Beast Wars figures were a lot better. Guess you win some and lose some.
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