Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
TF2 Movie Spoilers Now 'Public'

Thank the Allspark(.com) for the heads up to an amazing interview on where Roberto Orci, co-writer of Transformers 1 and 2 reveals that... Yeah, you can read on! The chances of you not hearing this elsewhere between now and next June are pretty slim! Okay, so he makes some pretty major revelations about the new film:
"Yes, Soundwave is in it!"
He also states:
"Maybe there's less humans," he said. "The first movie was predicated
on the structure of a mystery, at which point, at the midpoint, the
Transformers are revealed. This movie is structured differently in that
you now know there are Transformers in the world, and therefore you can
get right to them. As a result, there's kind of more Transformers
throughout the movie."
"Arcee, the female Autobot who transforms into a motorcycle, "was in an
early draft of the first movie, and she may make an appearance."
YES!!! Okay fans, let the discussion begin! What would you like Soundwave to transform into?
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