Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Discussion Topic: Your Personal Transformers Continuity and Fanon ideas

For as long as there has been Transformers, there have been TF fans. and as far as fans go, there are those who like to take the overall story/stories of Transfomers and put it into a continuity consisting of what they believe is canon.
These "Personal Continuities" (or "PCs" as we'll abbreviate) can be very unique from fan to fan, depending on what they consider canon and what canon ideas that they believe in (known as "fanon") which have been included into their personal continuities.
This discussion is to allow you to share with us what your Transformers PC (that is, if you have one) and fanon ideas are like (without having to force them on us). In other words, describe to us what your PC is like by outlining it completely, but as briefly as you can. You may have to do multiple posts for this, but use the EDIT button as best you can. As you are outlining your PC, try to throw in some of your Fanon ideas in with them. And, if you are having some dificulty with inserting things into your PC, let us know about that too, because we may be able to help you.
However, if you do not have a PC, feel free to ask those who do questions about theirs.
One more thing, do not stray off topic by talking merging Transformers with some other non-related franchise. It get very confusing when that happens. So stick with the Transformers it'll be cool.
Here's my PC as an example.
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