Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
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*UPDATE* Transformers: Cybertron on DVD

Hey everyone, just a reminder that Transformers: Cybertron the Ultimate Collection came out to DVD today according to They are still doing their offer of 33% off, so you can pick up the whole box set for a total of $39.99 rather than the list price of $59.98. Let's just hope that Energon follows suit and makes it on the shelves as well!
So, I managed to pick the set up today as I was out and about and as I started watching it, I discovered something very peculiar. Episode #3 Hidden is missing the first 7 mins of the episode! You all may recall that this is the episode that was on the DVD that came with the figures back in the day, so the odds are you have a disc with the complete episode, but it's still rather shocking. I don't know if this is only on my copy, but it sure seems like the first seven minutes were excluded from the burning process. If anyone else gets a copy of the set and finds a similar situation, please let us know! Just a reminder, the episode is supposed to start off with Bud with the submarine TFs, Lori is with the stoplight (Signal Lancer), and Coby is with the Blurr cars. Again, let us know if your copy is missing this footage as well. I'll also be sure to update if I find any other discrepencies.
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