Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Attention Transfans of the Pacific Northwest: CybCon Info

The Unofficial Pacific Northwest Transformers Fan and Collectors Convention, aka
The Cybertronian Conference, better known as CybCon, is a mere month away. On
Saturday, August 23rd, from 10am to 5pm at the King Oscar Motel and Convention
Center in Tacoma at 8820 and 8726 South Hosmer, there will be a large hall full
of dealers and tons of Transfan fun.
Please note that registration IS required, even if you intend to pay your entry
fee at the door. If you are not registered, you will not be allowed into the
event. If you plan to come, it's best to pay in advance to save $5 per person
off the door charge. Pre-payments are due by August 16th and are $10/attendee or
$30/dealer. At the door, prices are $15/attendee or $35/dealer. Remember, this
includes entry to the event as well as lunch of pizza or sandwiches and pops.
You even get a couple tickets for raffle/door prizes.
If you haven't been to CybCon in the past, then you owe it to yourself to come.
If you've been to past event, then you'll be happy to know that our formula has
not changed. It's the same show you know and love to come to every year.
For more information, please see:
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