Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Jablonsky and Ryan Return in TF:ROTF

Posted by:
Perceptor at 2008-07-23 12:00 am
I must admit, I had never heard of him before. But after the first Transformers film and having bought his (IMHO) brilliant CD score, we're thrilled to learn that Steve Jablonsky will be returning for musical duties on TF2:ROTF. Outstanding! (As originally reported by the Knight Shift.)
Speaking of ROTF, the official website has been given a facelift, now featuring the Revenge of the Fallen subtitle and ominous background music... Check it out!
Further, is reporting that our friend Mark Ryan is returning for duties on filming on the sequel. What duties you ask? Check out our interview with Mr. Ryan from July 18, 2007 for all the details!
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