Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen News Abounds!

* has posted pictures
from an "anonymous source" showing the filming of a presumed battle
scene with the ice cream truck, our first look at a (silver?) Audi R8
and is that OPTIMUS with a TRAILER???? (Wo-HOOO! PLEASE let it be a
transforming battle "suit" ala G1 Powermaster Optimus Prime!!!)
* MSN reports
that police say Shia LaBeouf was not at fault for his recent accident
in which co-star Isabel Lucas was the passenger. Apparently another
car ran a red light before their collision.
Thanks to for the heads up on several interesting TFROTF tidbits.
* Check out the latest (too good to be?) fan art of Movie Universe, "Motormaster." Wow that is awesome.
* Robert Orci teases on the Don Murphy boards that the Transformers ROTF teaser trailer may deubut in theaters at Eagle Eye, a Shia LaBeouf film opening Sept 26.
* has posted a report from Comic-Con where among other things he stated, "crazier, more angry, (with) bigger explosions and more robots" than its predecessor. "The stakes have been brought up to a whole 'nother level," Gibson
added. "The conflict between the humans and the Decepticons -- and
between the Autobots and the Decepticons -- it's just more angry."
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