Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
*UPDATED* Actual Toy Images of TFClub Battle Rollar.

Previously, we reported the announcement of TFC-EX002 Battle Rollar (A.K.A. Masterpiece Roller), which had mostly mixed feedback.
Now TFClub has updated there site with a huge amount of pictures featuring their 'Battle Rollar' product.
Pictures shown of Battle Rollar include preview art and prototype images, but further down, images of the actual toy are seen: Robot mode, roller/scout mode, and pictures of it being used as a jetpack on MP Ultra Magnus, Movie Leader Prime, and Classics Prime.
Check it out by clicking the link above.
A recent auction for TFClub's exclusive 'Battle Rollar' has shown up on, which shows us a new image that shows us all the accessories that come with Battle Rollar. Click here to see the auction and the picture.
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