Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
1985 Transformers

Our 1985 Transformers Section (and 1984) has been revamped and amped with many new additions!
* Instructions from our collection have been painstakingly scanned, uploaded and linked for every toy of that year -also accessible via our Instructions Archive.
* Toy Reviews are now linked and accessible for for each 1985. -accessible in the Review Section.
* Every character page (like Swoop for example) has been given the "jump box" treatment, meaning each page has a header with links to the character page, that toy's instructions page, reviews and tech specs (coming soon!)
* Code has been cleaned up so it should load faster and more consistently on every browser type.
you think we've been sitting idle lately, let us set the record
straight! We've been busy scanning EVERY instruction pad we have from
our collection.
--I would also like to extend a special thanks to Chris Reed and his own The Transformers Racetrack, for helping fill in many of the gaps in our database. The vast majority of images are scans from our own collection, however the instructions when printed on card backs came from his most excellent site. Thanks for the assist hombre!
Stay tuned folks, lots more to come!
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