Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
*UPDATE* Transformers: Animated Season One

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TriPredRavage at 2008-08-18 11:03 pm
On DVD today (Tuesday), Transformers: Animated Season One has hit the shelves. This DVD "set" is the thirteen episodes of Season One that follow directly after The TFA Movie "Transform and Roll Out!" From "Home is Where the Spark is" to "Megatron Rising pt. 2". Hopefully later we'll have some reports on extras on the DVD. Stay Tuned!
So I got the set. There is one special feature: Season 2 Photo Gallery Sneak Peek. What's interesting about this though is the very first picture is of Elite Guard Bumblebee, which didn't appear in TFA season 2 at all. Another funny thing about the set is that the pictures on the back of the box are from "Transform and Roll Out!" but, as I've said above, the TFA Movie isn't on the set.
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