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Pre-Beast Wars Megatron art, new Universe figures, and Alternity

Previously unseen artwork of Beast Wars Megatron in his pre-Earth body from Dawn of the Future's Past and brief moments in Beast Wars Part 1 has now shown up on Deviant Art. What cool about this artwork is that it shows why Megatron's comic look differs from his show look: the comic form is an exo-suit. See the artwork here.
Also, new Universe figures have shown up on Ebay: Supercon Optimus in G1-esque colors, Universe Sandstorm redecoed from Energon Stormcloud, and Universe Whirl redecoed from Energon Stormcloud too.
Finally, has more info on the Alternity line. According to their info from Dengeki Hobby magazine, the release date had been moved back from December to January. There is also an image of the Nissan GT-R Convoy in prototype form. While this toyline will have its figures smaller than the Binaltech/Alternators figures, they will be in die-cast metal, have as much detail as the Binaltech/Alternators figures, and will keep the realism intact.
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