Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Rare Transfomrers Auctions, and TFA-01 S.A.R.I.

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Sabrblade at 2008-08-24 8:37 pm
Two auctions are current selling extremely rare special G1 figures. Yahoo! Japan has a Chrome Colored G1 Soundwave for auction at a very reasonable price (currently).
And now for the hardest of the hardcore collectors. An Ebay auction is selling an unproduced Lucky Draw Black G1 Rodimus Prime! The starting bid: $2,999.99!
Also, there is new information regarding Impossible Toys’ upcoming project - TFA-01 S.A.R.I. (named like that so not to be in conflict with Hasbro). Impossibletoys has informed us that Sari will be released in a few months. And they say it will be in scale with the other TF:A figures. See the info here, and see an image of the prototype here (at
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