Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
TF TPBs Return!

New listings have shown up on for Transformers trade paperbacks. The listings include All Hail Megatron, Reign of Starscream, as well as The War Within Omnibus that collects the two completed story arcs from the WW and excludes in the existing issues from the incomplete 'Age of Wrath' arc, the Movie Prequel: Saga of the Allspark which was a UK exclusive series, and the book that I am most looking forward to is Transformers: Generation One Vol. 1... which is actually Volume 3 of the old and defunct Dreamwave Generation One comics. I don't know if I'll hold my breath for it, however, considering Volume 3 has had at least two prior release dates in the past, all leading to the book not being released, but who knows? Maybe this time it'll hit the shelves. Happy Viewing Everyone.
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