Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Less Than Meets the Eye: The 12 Most Ridiculous Transformers of All Time

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Sabrblade at 2008-08-25 3:13 pm
GeekDad has brought to us an article called Less Than Meets the Eye: The 12 Most Ridiculous Transformers of All Time.
At first glance, one would believe the author to be an anti-Transformers type who focuses on finding TF stuff to bash. But surprisingly, this list may make sense to some, and not so much to others.
The 12 TFs he lists (in no particular order) are G1 Cosmos, BW Waspinator, G1 Kup, G1 Arcee, Victory Deszaras/Deathsaurus, BWNeo Heinlad, G1 Huffer, G1 Ultra Magnus, RiD Optimus Prime/Fire Convoy, G1 Shockwave, G1 Ratbat, and Movie Frenzy.
While you may be thinking: "WHAT?!! HOW DARE HE SAY THAT ABOUT (insert name here)!!!" read the author's reasons why each of these Transformers made the list (before going crazy). See it here.
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