Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Unicron and other TF Goodies for Sale

We are continuing to organize and clean house and have put a number of Transformers items up for auction.
* MISB original Armada Unicron, with display stand (sealed)
* MOC original Beast Wars Blackarachnia, autographed by Venus Terzo
* MISB Transmetal Ultra Depth Charge
* MISB RID 3-pack Nightcruz, Mirage GT and Scavenger
* MOC Beast Machines deluxe Thrust
* MISB Beast Wars II Bazooka vs. Randy
* MOC Transmetal Rattap, autographed by Scott McNeil
* MOC Megabolt Megatron (Beast Machines figure in original RID packaging)
* Beast Wars Rhinox (loose, excellent condition)
* Energon Swoop and Grimlock (loose, Grimlock damaged)
Also, several sites, including the Allspark, have reported that the Toys R Us exclusive Universe Unicron
has been sighted in stores. Very cool indeed, though I wouldn't mind
if it had been slightly recolored to more closely resemble the color
scheme of 1986 TFTM... Please note that BBTS has only a very limited
number of remaining stands available for sale. If you are in need, please be sure to pick one up before the remaining stock runs out for good. Also, don't forget to mark your sightings in our sightings section.
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