Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Hasbro shines some light on upcoming TF figures, and reveals some new ones.

On Hasbro's Transformers website, they have made things more clear about several upcoming Transformers figures for Animated, Universe, and the Movie.
On the collector's checklist section, which lists every U.S. Hasbro toy from 1984 until now, a section for 2008 is up, and lists all the toys expected to be released for the rest of the year. Some of the items in the list have been seen before, but with questions unanswered. Now some of those questions have been solved.
Before, images of Movie Voyager Prime and Megatron redecos (along with FB Jazz and Boncrusher) had surfaced, and now this lists reveals that they will be Target-exclusive Screen Battles sets. The Optimus Prime redeco and Bonecrusher will be the "Freeway Brawl" set, and 'fire' Megatron and FB Jazz will be the "Battle Over Mission City" set.
Also listed are Taget-exclusive Animated sets of Rescue Ratchet with Legends Prowl and Starscream, and Stealth Lockdown with Legends Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. However, this list has Stealth Lockdown named as "Active Camo Lockdown", which is weird.
Finally, the list reveals that a Universe 2-pack consisting of TF:Cybertron figures Galaxy Force Optimus Prime vs. Crumplezone will be a Costco exclusive.
Although, the list does not show the upcoming Swindle, Blazing Lockdown, Blurr, Skywarp, Shockwave, Shadow Blade Megatron, Roadbuster Ultra Magnus, or Street Patrol Bumblebee listed. Perhaps they will be released in 2009.
PLUS, the list does reveal some new listed products that haven't been seen or heard of till now. Costco-exclusive "Universe Battle Pack (5-deluxe figures)". Could this be an Energon Superion Maximus redeco like the previous Constructicon Maximus redeco released years before? This report gives a little evidence, but nothing is confirmed as of yet.
And new Bumper Battlers "Sting Racer Bumblebee" and Nightwatch Optimus Prime". Obvious redecos of their first Bumper Battler figures.
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