Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Constructicon #1; Ice Cream Truck Vids

Revenge of the Fallen news abounds!! TF-live action Blog has posted an image sent by yet another "anonymous source" a site visitor with a 3D CGI image of the Constructicon (presumed to be named) Long Haul. Although this does not prove the TFW2005 report that there are 7 and they will combine, it's proof enough for me that at least 1 Constructicon is in the film! Hold on to your hats, and cover your children's eyes! Even w/o a human or other Transformer next to him to show scale, this is panic inducing, undie staining, run for your life kind of sweetness! comes through again alerting us to a few (poor quality, distorted) YouTube videos showing the ice cream truck, presumably ~~splitting in half and spinning around 360 degrees! Check them out here and here...
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