Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Animated Constructicons & Season 3 Revelations

We're working on obtaining confirmation of ROTF inisights provided us recently. In the meantime, we have heard from one independent source regarding the following Transformers Animated season 3 revelations. According to this source, "...most of the Season 3 stuff is legit..." Okay, you've been warned. SPOILERS ahead, read at your own risk!
1. Season 3 will air spring 2009.
2. Hasbro already has models of the whole Season 3 crew, including more Starscream clones and re-paints.
3. Wasp will return for Bumblebee in an episode.
4. Shockwave will get exposed.
5. You will see more of Cliffjumper and Ironhide in an episode.
6. The Elite Guard will come back.PERMANENTLY (Including Blurr).
7. Omega Supreme will be back.
8. Constructicons will be back.
9. Three Decepticons will switch to the Autobots.
10. Wreck-Gar will be back.
11. Constructicon toys coming soon as a Two-Pack Deluxe.
12. In process of making more translucent figures like Optimus, Blitzwing, Megatron and others.
13. Swindle will be back.
14. They are not sure if human villains will be back.
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