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*UPDATED* ROTF Spoilers, Including the Corvette's Identity REVEALED!

A inside source as provided information relating to the next installment of Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen. Although we have been unable to obtain direct, independent confirmation, we have compiled a growing list of circumstantial evidence which indicates it's legit. Read and decide for yourself, SPOILERS ahead.
1. Megatron is coming back as a (...he didn't say)
2. Megatron was not the first transformer to arrive on Earth.
3. The Transformers live-action series will be five movies long.
4. Constructicons and Insecticons will be featured in the series.
5. You guys aren't even close to the ice cream truck and Chevrolet Trax info. Michael Bay was laughing his butt off when he heard this. I will tell you this. They are two different characters.
6. Wanna know why you don't see Rachet anywhere? He's dead. (I'm looking into this to see if its true or not)
7. NEST is a secret organization like Sector 7.
8. Don't give up hope on Tidal Wave. He might be closer than you think.
9. Sam's parents are, going to find out about the Transformers when one crashes their vacation to Egypt, asking Sam a LOT of questions, trying to figure what the heck is going on. To sum it all up, Sam's parents are up for the ride of your life.
1. How do I know if they're making 5 movies? The whole crew signed a contract saying they will make 3 installments. Shia also said he will make 2 more after 3 because he liked Transformers when he was young.
2. Whats up with Scorponok? He will get upgrades. You will see his robot mode. His robot mode is the same as the toy line.
3. 7 Constructicons will unite to form "Devasator"
4. What will be the replacement name for Bonecrusher of the Constructicons (Since he died) Starscream has special plans for that dead body. (Notice in the movie, his body wasn't on the cargo carrier.)
5. What's up with the Arcee bikes? I'll give you a hint. The special people in Transformers "Armada" (Probably just a homage to them and not actually them).
6. How the heck will they explain a female Transformer? Simple. A malfunction.
7. I wonder who the Corvette is? Another hint. G1 color: Blue
8. Jazz's return? You'll never see it coming.
9. If they could afford money to get the worlds largest dump truck that's 2 stories high as "Long Haul", then how come they couldn't afford a Aircraft Carrier? We are saving the best for last.
10. Early drafts of ROTF included Soundwave designed as the comedian of the group. He would play music and his big HD speakers would come out of his shoulder to annoy Starscream. The songs thought of were Caramelldansen. Also some Rock songs from AC/DC and Kiss. Then Starscream would tell him to shut up. To bad they cancelled the idea. If you asked me, I think they should have kept it!
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