Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Transformers Tuesday

Earlier this evening, both Entertainment Tonight and The insider were on location at the set in White Sands, New Mexico for a sneek peek exclusive look at Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, as we reported they would. Both events were known as "Transformers Tuesday". Each show basically had the same info, but The Insider had some extra infofmation mostly regarding the actors.
In both exclusives, we were shown a scene from the film being shot where the army, Sam, and Mikaela are in a Middle Eastern village, running, jumping, and shooting as though they were right in the middle of an intense battle with the Decepticons. The entire village was a huge set, and as the actors were fleeing from the village, six F-16s flew over the scene and the entire village exploded, as if the F-16s bombed the whole place. After the explosions, Bay remarked that that part could be done "better". :P
Aside from the scene, we were given mostly basic info regarding the film itself. This movie is going to be far more explosive than the first (obviously), they haven't even come close to finishing it yet, and it was day 60-something of filming.
However, The Insider got to hear a little bit more than ET did. Like for instance, the Autobots and the U.S. government have formed a rapport with each other and are teaming up to take down the Decepticons together. The film itself goes global, as it is being shot in and taking place it different parts of the world. Shia's stunts are bigger and more dangerous than before, which he sees as a challenge for him. All the actors are getting workout to get into tip-top shape and condition for the movie - Tyrese said that he had to lose at least 35 pounds for his role.
The rest of the info was just some stuff about what Shia sees in a woman, and the fact that he laminates ice cubes onto his body to keep from sweating too much.
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