Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item adds new Toy images of Binaltech Convoy BT-22

Chinese Transformers toyfan and News site TF-08 has added images of the new Binaltech BT-22 Convoy Dodge Ram SRT-10 Pick Up Truck toy.
It for the first time on this character uses Metal parts (Like the limited release Binaltech Black Convoy) as the Kiss Players and Alternator Versions previously released were both Plastic.
Extensive images can be found HERE
Other recent Updates to the site include images of the Blue and White Omega Supreme Repaint E-Hobby City Guardian HERE
Activators Grimlock HERE & HERE Hound & Ravage HERE
The Parent Forum can be found HERE for other links to Alternity Convoy, Universe Special Edition Deluxes, ROTF Legends class Protoypes, Stealth Lockdown, Animated Skywarp, Animated Shockwave and others.
It's a useful resource and well keeping an eye on.
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