Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
New images of upcoming Universe and Animated figures.

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Sabrblade at 2008-10-02 2:51 pm
Entertainment Earth has new images of Universe deluxe Wave 4, and Animated deluxe wave 5 on their pre-order pages. Universe deluxe wave 4 consists of Cheetor, Hound (w/ Ravage), Cyclonus (w/ Nightstick) and Starscream. Animated deluxe wave 5 consists of Bumblebee (reissue), Blurr, Swindle, and Blazing Lockdown. Notice that Swindle seens to be colored differently that previously seen, with the yellow replace by tan.
Also, has posted new, clear, large images of Cheetor, Hound, and Cyclonus. They're packaging is revealed too!
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