Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Discussion Topic: IDW's ...-ation Saga Conclusion

Since IDW took over the reigns of Transformers comics in May of 2005, they have taken on the difficult task of hooking fans with a newly reimagined G1-style "IDW-verse." Multiple plotlines starting with Infiltration, then Stormbringer, then Escalation, then Devastation... with many "Spotlight" issues carefully intertwined. The series concludes this week with the final installment of the Revelation series Spotlight Sideswipe, which hit store shelves yesterday. Wrapping up several years worth of plots in one, 22-page issue was quite a feat.
So I want to know. What do visitors of this site think of the IDW universe, and in particular, what do you think of Spotlight Sideswipe and the conclusion of the ...-ation series? Check out what Simon Furman had to say about it in his BLOG.
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