Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
*UPDATE* New preview images of upcoming toys

New images of several upcoming Transformers toys have surfaced on HK-TK. These toys are all new ones that have been mentioned before, but none of them have really been seen until now. All of the following come from various Transformers toylines, including Masterpiece, Henkei/Universe, and the upcoming Alternity line.
The first image is what appears to be a Mickey Mouse Transformer. The very same one that was seen as a silhouette way back in September. This figure seems to change from a "cartoony" version of a G1 Optimus Prime-esque truck and trailer into a Mickey Mouse mecha, with a little Mickey piloting the bot from the top of its head. (Yes, this will be an official TakaraTomy product. GET OVER IT!)
The second image is of the highly-coveted Masterpiece Grimlock figure. Its confirmation was posted here, but now we actually get to see what he will look like. He is highly G1-accurate, he's all decked out in tech design from head to tow (as he should be), and comes with "him Grimlock's big sword!".
Next on the list is the only non-toy image: a silhouette of Alternity Megatron. As reported before (see previous link), his altmode will be a Nissan 350Z, and will be availiable in both Nissan's blue and Megatron's silver (much like how Alternity Convoy will be released in his red and Nissan's silver).
Lastly, the final two pics are of the Henkei (and Universe) versions of Armada Hot Shot (A.K.A. Hot Rod, but "Hotroad" seems to be his name this time) and Beast Wars Dinobot. Mentioned way back here, these two are finally revealed to the public. Both look kinda like themselves, about as much as the new Cheetor figure resembles its character. Hot Shot even comes with his Mini-Con, Jolt. Jolt will be able to attach via a Mini-Con peg on Hot Shot's shoulder, but sadly this will not activate any features. Dinobot will have opposable thumbs that can be swapped out for actual fists, and his tail will detach to become some kind of weapon that resembles his rotary blade weapon from before, except this one appears to be able to fire a "laser missile".
View all of this awesomeness and awkwardness here.
According to Big Bad Toy Store, the Mickey Mouse TF wil be available in two versions: one in black and white and one in color.
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