Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
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Animated jet bros have hands, Universe RiD Bruticus bio.

Awhile back, we were shown the first images of the upcoming Animated Jetire & Jetstorm figures. However, many were disappointed to see that neither Jetfire, Jetstorm, nor the combined form Safeguard had appeared to have any sort of hands. It was then shortly leaned that those pics had each figure mistransformed, which was why their hands weren't seen. Now, thanks to some new images from TF08, we can now see that Jetfire, Jetstorm, and Safeguard in fact do have hands... sort of. Well, they aren't the best looking hands, but they are there, nonetheless. Click to view the images here on page 1 and here on page 2.
Also, the images show the three vehicle modes transformed correctly, looking slightly better than before.
In other news, Universe RiD Bruticus' bio has shown up at This is not Ruination, the RiD redeco of G1 Bruticus. This is an upgraded form of the three-headed dog Predacon named Bruticus, who is now a three-headed dragon (due to being a redeco of Cybertron Scourge). Click the link above or see below to read the bio.
With three slobbering, ferocious heads, and only one brain to split between them all, PREDACON BRUTICUS is a perfect dungeon guard. Short-tempered, brutal, and unimaginative, he takes his job of guarding AUTOBOT prisoners very seriously. MEGATRON doesn’t trust him to do anything beyond serve as a guard, but he is content in the dark, stinking dungeons beneath the PREDACON leader’s headquarters. As long as he has a full complement of prisoners to look after and a steady supply of energy, PREDACON BRUTICUS is happy.
Hear cool conversion sounds as you twist and turn this awesome PREDACON warrior from battle-ready robot figure to assault beast mode – and back again! The advanced-conversion figure also features electronic lights and an axe in robot mode that becomes a tail in beast mode! Use the key to activate the three-headed beast mode! The battle is on – are you ready?
Includes 3 “button-cell” batteries.
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