Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
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ROTF Rumor/spoiler regarding Isabel Lucas' character

A new spoiler/rumor for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen has shown up at TFW2005. According to their source, the character being played by Isabel Lucas, named Alice, is not all that she appears to be. As it was mentioned in an article linked to an update way back in early September, this girl Alice turns out to be evil somehow. Thanks to TFW2005, we now have learned that it turns out that she is, in fact, a... Pretender!
Yes, that's right, a Pretender. Their source describes her like this: "In the case of Alice, the shell will be an attractive human woman while the inner robot is best described as a hybrid of the Frenzy robot design from the first movie. The Pretender Transformer will have an arm that transforms into an energy weapon, a long tongue, and a scanning tenticle."
Sound familiar? Allow me to point you back in the direction of another previous update from way back in June. This update showed a clip and an image of a Frenzy-like Decepticon atttacking Sam and co. inside a Saturn Astra. Could Alice and the Frenzy-lookalike be one and the same? Only time will tell.
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