Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
A lot to cover here.... so hold on to your skidplates

Right First off Japanese retailer Maruzen toys has added a pre-order listing page for Both MP GRIMLOCK and MICKEY MOUSE which are at a much higher resolution allowing a clear view of the details of both to be seen.
It makes it easier to see that Grimlock has one molded fist and one that opens as the molded one holds his sword and lights it up. and also the range of joints in his little Dino-forlimbs. You can also see how the dino tail is transformed to inside his robot legs.
That his Drinks tray is supported by a tab that plugs into his dino-chest.
You can also see his Optional Crown, and how his dino-tail tip moves in dinosaur mode.
A greater degree of detail can also be seen on the Mickey Transformer.
Chinese Site AC toys has an extensive look at Universe Bruticus HERE as well as Henkei Ironhide HERE & of Animated BLURR has added a pre-order page for Henkei Ratchet - though the lack of Chrome and Non-G1 deco ocmbined with the use of The Hasbro Universe Prowl version of the Lightbar has made some think this is actually a picture of the Hasbro version that is currently in use on the site - you can judge for your self HERE
E-hobby has added some images of Forthcomming Japanese Henkei and other releases including : CYCLONUS (now lighter in color and with a chrome gun), HOUND & RAVAGE Now in darker green with yellow stripes, CHEETOR Now with shiny weapons and metallic painted details - he's also a bit darker yellow in color.
They also have some pages for some Encore toys : TRAILBREAKER (Now has blue eyes and some painted details & HOIST
TFW2005 has add a piece about the Animated McDonalds toys released in France recently Especially of note is the newly added Blitzwing toy THUS TFW2005 also have added an Update to their insider information about a Revenge of the Fallen Character in toy form HERE - don't click if you don't want to be spoiled.
Site has added information on the cover of the forthcomming DVD "Transformers Energon the Ultimate Collection" if you want to know what it looks like then look HERE The DVD set is out on the 16th December.
Also shown is the cover of the Animated Series Volume 2 HERE
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