Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Dinobots, UNITE!

Posted by:
Perceptor at 2008-11-10 4:22 pm
(site update)
... And so they did! In 2004, the Dinobots, Grimlock and Swoop, were redesigned with entirely new molded toys. However, unlike the other Energon Autobots, when these two unite they form a new persona: Mega Dinobot (just like the concept for Superion, Bruticus, etc...)
So, should we consider these two the "missing link" to connect the Unicron Trilogy to Generation 1? Or do you simply see them as the Grimlock and Swoop of this, "alternate reality?" Let the debate begin! Visit the link above to see their all new character page, now forever linked to in the 2004 Section.
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