Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Me Grimlock, Classic!

Before all the fame completely goes to his head when he becomes a "Masterpiece" (2009) and even before he got Animated, he was just a "Classic!" Staying with our Dinobot theme of the week, check out the Classics Grimlock page, linked in the 2007 Transformers Section. It's not *all* new, (we did have a jump box and package art available previously) but it has been completely revamped with photo gallery, instructions scans and character description from the pages of Transformers Collectors' Club official Magazine. See, I told ya I'd get back these pages eventually! :)
I have also updated the 2007 Instructions Archive with another dozen or so images I've been meaning to get to for awhile such as Classics Constructicon Devastator, Movie Optimus Prime (Twin Blaster) ... and more.
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