Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
War Within Skywarp

Posted by:
Perceptor at 2008-11-19 8:54 pm
(site update)
It's an interesting way to release an exclusive toy and one of the first times I recall it's been done. Check out the all new character page for Hasbro Toy Shop Exclusive, War Within Skywarp, now available in the 2008 Section. You'll also find every other Skywarp character page has been updated with complete "Other Appearances" listing. (Did I miss any?)
Request: Does any one out there have a copy of the War Within Skywarp Instructions that you could scan and send me for our archive? We seem to have misplaced our's. Thank you. >>>UPDATE: Thanks to Andy F. for sending us the scan. We really appreciate it!
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