Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site
News Item
Publicity Photos & Survey Update

We have received new publicity images of upcoming Transformers Animated: Jetfire and Jetstorm, Roadbuster Ultra Magnus and the Universe Superion set.
We were also told the following regarding female respondents of the Hasbro Survey,
"Hasbro was recently made aware of a problem with its Transformers Collectors Survey posted to the brand’s website. A glitch in the programming was resulting in a termination of the survey when/if a participant selected “Female” at the onset of the survey. This was an unfortunate mistake in programming and not intentional. The issue has since been fixed and the survey is now operating as intended."
ALSO, ANOTHER SPECIAL NOTE: does not have a policy to create "registered members." We have set up our site deliberately so that any fan can post news comments, toy reviews, and sightings anonymously. One question of the survey asks you to check a box for sites that you are a "registered member." We would like to ask that if you consider yourself a fan of this site, please check the box for, even though zero of our site visitors are technically, "registered members." Thank you. We appreciate your support!
Thanks to Joe with Hasbro's PR for providing us the info!
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